Welcome to my blog LETFOODTRAVEL ! It took me a while before I was able to come up with a blog name and now that I have, I can't wait to get this blog going and share my exploits about food and travel. So for my first entry, I'm going to talk about FOOD. Hooray!!! Who doesn't like food, right? RIGHT? Just look around and you'll see a lot of all-you-can-eat restaurants. From buffets to unlimited Samgyupsael, chicken, pizza, doughnut and even bagnet, it is proof that we like LOVE to eat. With these types of restos around, it's not surprising that obesity in our country is on the RICE. I for one became obese class 1 and was diagnosed with PCOS or Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome in 2015. It's a problem with hormones that causes weight gain, difficulty losing weight, acne, excess hair growth, anxiety, and depression, among other things. Well, you can use google if you want to know more about PCOS. With PCOS, the cells in the body cannot process insulin and the ma...